Connect Every Retail Thing
Gain efficiencies, reduce waste, and ensure every thing is in the right place at the right time by connecting everything you make, transport, and sell.
The trusted brand in RAIN RFID
Impinj delivers business-critical information throughout the lifecycle of every item manufactured, transported, and sold. Together with our partners, we help enterprises gain efficiencies, reduce waste, and ensure every thing is in the right place at the right time.
Impinj products deliver enterprise-grade accuracy, reliability, and security. Our mission is to connect every thing and ensure trust in every connection.
What sets Impinj apart
Innovative People
We are RAIN RFID pioneers. Our knowledge and experience drive innovative products, solutions, and services. We solve the industry’s toughest problems and make the seemingly impossible a reality.
Learn about ImpinjProven Platform
The highly integrated Impinj platform provides advanced capabilities that can’t be achieved by mix-and-match RAIN RFID solutions. Our best-in-market products deliver enterprise-grade accuracy, reliability, and security.
Explore our platform and productsGlobal Partners
The Impinj Partner Network is the most comprehensive RAIN partner ecosystem, featuring companies that offer products and services for all elements of an effective RAIN system.
Meet our partners
Gen2X: Do more with RAIN than ever before
Impinj Gen2X provides a solutions toolbox that solves previously unsolvable enterprise and consumer use cases. Built on key innovations Impinj has developed over two decades of enterprise learnings and experience, Gen2X dramatically improves RAIN solution performance and protection of data, items, and privacy — speeding inventory, increasing tag read range, decluttering environments, protecting consumers, inhibiting tag and item counterfeiting, and reducing cost.
The Impinj platform in action

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Read the Christie Lites story >

Read the Coöperatie Hoogstraten story >

Read the Rady Children's Hospital story >

Read the Plexus story >

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Connecting every thing since 2000