Gain advanced protection and heightened visibility into all loss events
The sound of an exit alarm at a retail store often goes ignored. But losing billions of dollars to shrink annually is a problem that doesn’t go away when the ringing stops. Loss prevention systems built by Impinj partners solve both problems. By identifying each item individually at the exit, retailers can go beyond an alarm at the door—they can know which specific item has left the premises.

Impinj platform — a foundation for IoT solutions
The Impinj platform lays a foundation for IoT solutions development, extending the Internet’s reach from the cloud, through edge connectivity devices, all the way to physical items. Our broad partner ecosystem uses our platform's best-in-market products, capabilities, and technology to deliver whole products that address business needs. Wirelessly connect everyday items to discover, engage with, and protect them. Easy to deploy and use, our platform delivers performance unequaled by mix-and-match approaches built from other vendors’ products.
How Impinj enables RAIN RFID loss prevention

Tag Merchandise
Attach Impinj-powered tags to retail items. Impinj tag chips enable automated checkout, loss prevention, and returns while maintaining customer privacy.

Read Merchandise
Use Impinj-powered readers placed overhead, on walls, or at doorways to identify items at exits or in zones. Readers can uniquely identify individual items without line-of-sight.

See Merchandise
Connect real-time data about items with loss prevention systems to alert staff when unpurchased inventory leaves the store and data that drives advanced prevention.

Know exactly when, and where every item exits the store
Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) systems can trigger alarms when items are removed from the stores, but offer no insight into which items are missing or where these items moved within the store. These blind spots leave retailers vulnerable and put their profitability at risk. A loss prevention system enabled by Impinj lets retailers see the date, time, and exit location of each stolen item to enable proactive prevention strategies.

See patterns to identify and respond to trends
Knowing where each item in your store is at all times provides an intimate look into how products move—so you’ll not only be alerted when people try to walk out with items, but you can connect item data with loss trends. The same system can provide visibility when products enter and leave zones, such as fitting rooms. Identifying patterns allows for better preventative measures to address the source of the problem. Move from reactive to proactive with greater visibility into details of loss and shoplifting.

Seamlessly integrate with automated checkout and return
Gain a seamless loss prevention solution integrated with automated checkout and return. Unique features enabled by Impinj tag chips enable integrated loss prevention while protecting consumer privacy by making a RAIN tag invisible to RAIN readers. The tag can be returned to normal operation, made visible again to RAIN readers, using a secure PIN. This gives retailers opportunities to immediately, and automatically, remove a purchased item from inventory, improve the customer experience at store exits while protecting the customers’ privacy, and enabling seamless returns of an item to store inventory.

Retail Loss Prevention from Sensormatic
Shrink is a multi-billion-dollar problem for retailers. Retailers can go from reactive to proactive when they gain access to better analytics and insights into loss events and trends. Using real-time data from RAIN RFID, Impinj partner Sensormatic gives retailers a more complete picture of loss events.