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Gold Partner

Xemelgo, Inc

Xemelgo's Smart Manufacturing Suite of products helps manufacturers transform their business by gaining real-time visibility into every stage of production, to improve efficiency, reduce waste, and boost profitability.

Partner Types


About Xemelgo, Inc

Xemelgo helps manufacturers gain real-time visibility into their manufacturing operations using RFID technology. With roots in the Pacific Northwest, Xemelgo has worked with many Aerospace suppliers in the region to co-create software solutions that add value on the factory floor. Xemelgo's apps help manufacturers to track and manage everything from work orders, to calibrated tools, vendor managed inventory, shipments between facilities, and more. Using Xemelgo's solutions, manufacturers are able to completely transform their manual operations into a digital process, end-to-end. This brings a lot more efficiency and reduced cost of labor and material. Innovation in product development have also pushed the Xemelgo team to help drive efficiencies in warehousing, supply chain and retail inventory, all with the aim of enabling workers be more efficient and driving better business decisions with actionable data


3600 136th PL SE #300 Bellevue, Washington United States 98006

Industry Focus:Manufacturing

Impinj Products: Impinj Readers and Gateways

Partner Operates In: APAC EMEA LATAM North America

Primary Impinj Partner Network Track: ISV

Authorized Reseller: No

Partner Products

Software Product
Work in Process Tracking (WIP)
Software Product

Realize step-change improvements to operational efficiency by saving time, reducing waste and inefficiencies, and empowering your team with real-time data. Xemelgo’s RFID WIP Management solution brings visibility into the location, status, and priorities of work orders on the production floor.

Primary ApplicationSupply Chain Automation

Installation MethodCloud

Impinj Reader Gateway IntegrationsR700; xSpan

Impinj Device OEM IntegrationsHID Global Corporation; Nordic ID Group


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Asset Tracking
Software Product

We make it easy to track anything and everything. Xemelgo helps customers manage all types of assets - even in heavily regulated industries. Easily track assets from calibrated inspection equipment to production tooling, lab equipment, maintenance tools, IT assets, blueprints, bins & much more.

Primary ApplicationAsset Management

Installation MethodCloud

Impinj Reader Gateway IntegrationsR700; xSpan

Impinj Device OEM IntegrationsHID Global Corporation; Nordic ID Group


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Inventory Management
Software Product

Track and manage inventory across your entire supply chain in real time. From raw materials to finished goods, supplies, and more, Xemelgo’s “Grab-and-Go” style inventory management software eliminates manual cycle counting, automates transactions, and alerts your team before issues occur.

Primary ApplicationInventory Management

Installation MethodCloud

Impinj Reader Gateway IntegrationsR700; xSpan

Impinj Device OEM IntegrationsHID Global Corporation; Nordic ID Group


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Shipment Tracking
Software Product

Experience the power of real-time monitoring as every step of your shipment's journey is meticulously tracked and recorded. From the moment a shipment leaves its origin to destination, you gain complete visibility into its status, location, and expected arrival time.

Primary ApplicationShipment Verification

Installation MethodCloud

Impinj Reader Gateway IntegrationsR700; xSpan

Impinj Device OEM IntegrationsHID Global Corporation; Nordic ID Group


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Partner Solutions

Smart Manufacturing Suite
Manufacturing Impinj Readers and Gateways

The Xemelgo Manufacturing Suite offers four (4) separate products that help optimize and digitize manufacturing, warehousing and logistic operations. These products are Asset Tracking, Work in Process, Shipment Tracking & Inventory Management.

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