RMS Omega Technologies Group Inc
RMS Omega helps companies design, deploy, manage, and service RFID, data collection, and location technology solutions to solve challenges, improve productivity, meet new compliance demands, and reduce operating costs.
Partner Types
About RMS Omega Technologies Group Inc
RMS Omega’s team of solutions specialists, the RFID Pros, specializes in designing, deploying, and managing RFID and RTLS systems unique to your operation’s requirements. Our seasoned RFID Pros give you access to meaningful decision-making data that increases profitability. Our goal is to provide the maximum value to our clients by incorporating the proper hardware, tags, software applications, professional services, and support into every solution. We're here to help address your organization’s current and evolving needs for real-time information, and we'll give you exactly what you need: expert consultants armed with the latest technologies for data collection, software licenses that allow you to translate data into meaningful information, tag selection and testing for your unique environment, and support from the best data collection engineers in the industry. Contact us to get started with your next RFID project. We're here to help
9635 Philadelphia Rd Baltimore, Maryland United States 21237-4158- Website
- www.rmsomega.com
Industry Focus:High-Tech
Impinj Products: Impinj Readers and Gateways
Partner Operates In: North America
Primary Impinj Partner Network Track: Reseller
Authorized Reseller: Yes
Training Badges

Partner Products
System Software
Asset Tracking Software
RFID asset tracking software increases asset visibility, erases lead time, minimizes losses, and automates important processes.
Learn MoreInventory Control Software
Maintain a central database of inventory counts and locations within your facility with Inventory Control Software. Automate records every time an item is received, moved, or shipped.
Learn MoreWork In Process Software
RFID work-in-process software helps organizations automate production tracking, order location, and operational efficiency.
Learn MorePartner Solutions
RFID Tracking for Warehousing & Distribution Centers
RFID optimizes warehouse operations with accurate inventory management and enterprise asset tracking. See how your warehouse can leverage RFID.
Learn MoreRFID Automation in Manufacturing
RFID provides reliable tracking of materials, parts, and goods throughout the manufacturing process and along the entire value chain.
Learn MoreTrack Critical Healthcare Supplies with RFID
RFID in healthcare improves equipment tracking, patient ID, healthcare compliance, inventory management, and more.
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