Why Hospitals Are Choosing RAIN RFID for Asset Management
When half your clinical assets are standing around idle, you’re risking patient outcomes and wasting budget. RAIN RFID asset management solutions can help you improve patient care, avoid staff frustration, and lower capital costs.
The bad news: half of your clinical assets are probably standing around idle. That’s not only killing your hospital budget, it’s putting patient outcomes at risk. So how can healthcare providers maximize equipment use? Our RAIN RFID-enabled asset management solutions have an answer.
Lazy equipment syndrome
A hospital with 400-500 beds typically has 10,000 pieces of mobile equipment—everything from infusion pumps and portable monitors, to gurneys and wheelchairs. Ideally, each item would be in use most of the time unless it’s being maintained or cleaned. In practice, items are misplaced, undergoing maintenance, or even squirreled away by clinical departments concerned about having equipment available when it’s needed.
According to a GE Healthcare whitepaper, more than half of a fleet is generally idle. Yet clinical staff still waste time hunting for the right equipment, usually when they need it most. Buying more equipment doesn’t solve the problem—it just adds to the excess. What healthcare providers really need is a way to make existing equipment work harder.
Chip away at hospital equipment under-utilization
Suppose there was a system to 1) locate the position of every single piece of mobile medical equipment, 2) identify whether it needs routine preventive maintenance or sterilization, and 3) deliver it to the next patient on time. Those are three goals of hospital asset management enabled by RAIN RFID: each item is professionally cleaned, well maintained, and readily available.
The average utilization of mobile devices is an anemic 42%, meaning that over half of the fleet is idle (but still accruing expenses) at any given time. And despite the seeming oversupply, availability is inconsistent at best.
With a RAIN RFID enabled solution, tiny, durable tags signal the location of every device to readers placed throughout your hospital. This lets you know if something mistakenly went into the laundry or out the door, or is standing around unused. With a full-scale solution built on the Impinj platform, you can schedule and track items for maintenance and cleaning, or deploy a hospital-wide requisitioning system to put every asset you have to use when and where it’s needed.
Read our asset management whitepaper to learn more about how our partner solutions can help optimize your operations.
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Wednesday, July 19, 2017
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