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Silver Partner

Mobile Computing & Data Collection, S.A. de C.V.

At VerifID, we provide RAIN solutions that pay for themselves.

Partner Types


About Mobile Computing & Data Collection, S.A. de C.V.

We provide software solutions, data capture, and identification through barcode and RFID, computer technology, and mobile printing. We turn our technological solutions into powerful tools that impact the productivity, profitability, and reliability of our clients' main processes. We maintain strategic alliances and certifications with the most important technology companies in information, identification, and mobile computing. These alliances allow us to be your best technological partner


Prolongación Av. Tecnológico No. 801, Piso 4 Santiago de Querétaro, Querétaro Mexico 76130

Industry Focus:Manufacturing

Impinj Products: Impinj Readers and Gateways

Partner Operates In: LATAM

Primary Impinj Partner Network Track: Reseller

Authorized Reseller: Yes

Training Badges
Impinj Platform
R700 Reader
IOT Device Interface

Partner Solutions

Transition RFID Portal
Supply Chain & Logistics Impinj Readers and Gateways

VerifID is the SLS RFID official partner in Mexico. This RFID portal has been designed to control reusable containers in the automotive industry.

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PickID & RFID Control
Supply Chain & Logistics Impinj Readers and Gateways

Full suite to manage from a small warehouse to big distribution centers. Can be integrated with any ERP like SAP or Oracle. It works both with barcodes and/or RFID tags

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Notice: The Impinj Partner Directory includes third-party content and links that our partners provide. Impinj is not responsible for third-party content and makes no warranty, representation, or undertaking related to content, goods or services provided by any third party. Please refer to the terms of use, including Sections 4, 7 and 14. Your link to or use of a third-party website is at your own risk and subject to the third-party website policies, including those relating to confidentiality, data privacy and security.

Connect with Mobile Computing & Data Collection, S.A. de C.V.

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