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Gold Partner

Kyubi / Comercial Arque

Kyubi System: The logical bridge to the physical World

Partner Types


About Kyubi / Comercial Arque

Kyubi System is a technology business unit diversified in Logistics, Automotive, Postal, Manufacturing, Retail, and Healthcare, focused on satisfying the areas of operational control and traceability, by developing innovative solutions and products based on RAIN RFID technology. As leaders in innovation y knowledge, we integrate our R+D+I capacity to offer technologically advanced solutions to provide solutions to day-to-day industrial needs



Industry Focus:Automotive Transportation

Impinj Products: Impinj Readers and Gateways

Partner Operates In: APAC EMEA LATAM North America

Primary Impinj Partner Network Track: Reseller

Authorized Reseller: Yes

Partner Solutions

AIR! Tunnel Pro I4 for Boxes
Retail Impinj Readers and Gateways

AIR! Tunnel RAIN RFID system has been specifically designed for high demanding production environments. AIR! Tunnel for boxes is specially designed for high speed massive reading+writing.

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AIR! Tunnel Pro I4 for Pallets
Retail Impinj Readers and Gateways

AIR! Tunnel RAIN RFID system has been specifically designed for high demanding production environments. AIR! Tunnel for boxes is specially designed for high demanding massive reading+writing.

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Products AIR! family
Supply Chain & Logistics Impinj Readers and Gateways Impinj Reader Chips and Modules

Kyubi System develops and produces special industrial solutions for high demanding environments. IP65, IK10, and full industrial persistency are included in all our products ranges.

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AIR! Go Pro v2 I6
Supply Chain & Logistics Impinj Readers and Gateways

AIR! v2: intelligent industrial reader specially designed for hostile industrial environments. xSpan inside compatible with widely accepted industry standards: IP65/IK10 and full persistency.

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AIR! Pro v2 I4
Supply Chain & Logistics Impinj Readers and Gateways

AIR! v2: intelligent industrial reader specially designed for hostile industrial environments. Speedway inside compatible with widely accepted industry standards: IP65/IK10 and full persistency.

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